Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day is always a big deal here in our house. My Husband, Kevin declares it a month long celebration. I'm not complaining, I feel loved everyday but he really knows how to spoil me on "my" day.

For the last few weeks he has showered me with awesome gifts that I've been wanting. I was having fun getting new stuff, especially my new hair tools and a new double jogger! Last night he made my heart so happy when he hung up something special I have of my Dad's, a walking stick I gave him 20 years ago. Kevin reminds me of him in a few ways, being my biggest fan is at the top of the list. It's a good feeling, being so appreciated and loved!

On Saturday we had my Mom over to spend the night. Kevin grilled us some dinner and we got to relax with a glass (or 2) of wine. Sitting out on the deck to admire some new flowers was the perfect way to start winding down a month of exciting surprises!

On Sunday we usually go out for brunch and then spend time with each of our moms, not this year! I was disappointed that my favorite spot no longer does brunch! Seriously, more change!? haha! Life must go on, and we still needed to eat. With 5 kids and my Mom also looking forward to eating something delicious, Kevin and I had to come up with something fun. We went with a breakfast casserole in the crockpot, it cooked over night and was actually really good! Celebrating and good food go hand in hand around here, it's nice to enjoy a meal together. Life gets crazy but it's good to stop and just be a family, talk at the table and make great memories. My Mom went home with her gifts and feeling loved, I was thankful to have another Mother's Day with her.

My Mother in Law and the rest of the family came over for dinner in the early evening. As I mentioned earlier, I really like when plans stay the same. I'm a big creature of habit, so when my MIL insisted I open my gifts right away I knew something was up. She knows me well, I'm used to getting the things I know for sure I want. I woke up feeling emotional already because I am used to getting a text or call from my Dad right away, again something new this year... So imagine how I felt as I opened something a bit different, almost out of character for her to give to me. I expected my usual gift card for make up and food, because she knows me well! Instead, a handful of snapshots fell out of a card, I send her pictures over the phone a lot. I never take the time to print any for myself. She made the cutest collage in a shadowbox, and put together numerous frames. Frames that were EXACTLY my style, with pictures that I absolutely adore of my children. In that moment I wanted to cry, happy tears because she knew just what I needed. It wasn't a new lipstick or nail polish. It was to feel loved and to know I have people that really care to know what I need, even if I don't always know what that is. And the flowers, so many beautiful flowers! Flowers make me so happy! They brought beautiful baskets so everywhere I look I see new blooms, new life growing!

We were able to start our greenhouse too this weekend. I'm pretty excited about growing some veggies and having a place for my flower baskets if it gets chilly at night, it is Michigan so you never know!

It's funny how becoming a Mom changes what excites you. Each time I have a new baby I find out a little more about myself. I sometimes forget that it's ok to still be "me" while trying to be what they need me to be. I have grown to really enjoy gardening, cooking, crafts and all sorts of "mom" stuff. Recently I realized that I've loved that stuff all along, it just feels new having other people to share it with. I would say my biggest lesson as a Mom is that, who they need me to be is just... well, me! They need to see me smile, cry, get angry, be forgiving, laugh at silly stuff and they need to see that I enjoy being their Mom and a wife. If I am who I am then they'll know me better than I know myself one day, and that can be very comforting.
This post was a bit of everything, all over the place I suppose. Honestly, so am I sometimes! Mother's Day weekend was a bit all over the place too, happy and emotional. I am so thankful though that I am able to celebrate with 5 awesome kids, an amazing husband, my own mother and a mother in law. I know that being a mom isn't always easy, in fact it's never really easy. I also know that having the chaos in a house full of kids won't always be here. So for one day a year I will celebrate what being a mom is to me, how it changes my life, make memories with my mom while I can and appreciate all the crazy, fun, stressful days in between.

Now that it's Monday I will get back to my job as Mom & Wife. I'll keep learning new things about myself and lessons as a Mom. I'm sure by next year I will have more to share about how my life keeps changing!

How did you spend your weekend? I'd love to hear about it in the comments! If you enjoy my blog and pictures, please check me out on Instagram and Facebook!

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