Thursday, June 9, 2016

Why Do I Blog?

There are so many reasons why people want to start a blog, and so many things to blog about. I kept thinking about starting my own and just couldn't decide on what to focus on. I like to have a plan and make sure I can follow through before starting something. I overthink everything, and have a lot to say! The thought of blogging blindly caused a bit stress, so I decided to just leave it to the pros.

Recently the thought kept coming back to me. I was looking for a way to help with the emotions of losing my Dad. I kept hearing people say that I should write down how I was feeling. The thought of writing about my emotions actually made me feel even more sadness, I didn't want to look back and relive this time. Writing about my life and the things I enjoy, things I'm good at sounded good though. With a little encouragement from my husband and a few friends I got started. I have to say, I love having a blog now!

Blogging for me gives me an outlet to talk about random thoughts and topics. I like to be in control of my environment, and having a big family I can't always get that peace! Here on Coffee & Chaos I can control how things happen, how they look, when they change and that gives me some much needed "me" time. This blog also gives me a chance to let the world, and myself know that I am much more than just a stay at home Mom. I mean, that is my full time job and all but there's much more to me that I don't always show these days.

My family and friends knows I love to cook, take pictures, do crafts and that I'm addicted to beauty products. It's just that I don't always slow down enough to actually enjoy the process and end results of that stuff as often as I'd like to anymore. Creating posts about these things forces me to slow down and enjoy it all like I used to. I am able to be creative with taking pictures, and people actually enjoy seeing them! I have been just grabbing my phone and snapping pics for so long that I forgot how much fun it was it to actually take my time photographing something. I took the two babies out for some milestone photos the other day and it was so nice to do that again like I did with the older kids, the studio may never get our money again!

Don't get me started on my love for nature pics either! I could go hunting for flowers and birds all day if I had time!

I also tend to hide behind the camera a lot, mostly because I like taking the pictures myself but I always end up wishing there was proof I was ever there.Now I enjoy getting on the other end of the lens to get pics of makeup looks and other things for my blog posts.

That's just a few of the things I've been working back into my day since starting my blog. I know I have some work to do as far as getting to know my computer, we don't always get along. My husband comes in handy with all the technical stuff so I call on him often! I am enjoying the whole blogging thing though. For now, I will continue to focus on the things I enjoy and allow writing to bring some peace in an emotional an emotional time. I am getting organized, I dusted off my planner and made room for blog work next to my Jamberry business and I'm ready to show the world (and myself) that I am still creative!

I really can't wait to share more of my life with you, I hope everyone keeps reading! Don't forget to share and follow my blog if you like it!

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