This weekend we celebrated our youngest son's birthday, Myles. He turned 3 and as it turns out that's a pretty big deal! He woke us up telling us it was his day and we needed to go look at toys and play with his friends. So after a quick trip to the store we came home and waited for his pals. This was the first time he had both of his little buddies over at the same time and he handled it pretty well!
It's funny how little things make us emotional about our kids growing up. I started thinking about all the things I have to do this week, and honestly dreading a lot of it. That's when it hit me...big things are happening! It's not about the fact that I feel like I'm running wild trying to get to everything on time, fitting in haircuts, manicures, pedicures and pictures for the kids. I'm doing all of these things to prepare them for the exciting, sometimes stressful things they are about to face. So while I'm losing any last bit of free time the school day gives me, I'm going to try and appreciate the moments I will never get back.
Let's start with my oldest, Thomas. His big moment this week is when he's leaving the school district that he's been in since preschool. He attends a school program for kids with special needs and they are making changes that just won't accommodate his needs in the next year so it makes sense to move him to our home district now. I need to go see his new room in this giant school and prepare for the anxiety that will come with this transition. The question is, who will handle it best? Probably Thomas, He's better at handling change than I am! I have been with this young man through quite a few big changes so I know we can manage this too! He's very opinionated and determined when he wants to let you know something. His smile is pretty contagious too and I'm sure his new teachers will have fun with him!
Next up, is probably the hardest for me to handle. My oldest daughter is heading to high school next year! Ciera is technically my first born, we are a blended family so Thomas became my oldest child when I married Kevin. When I had this little girl almost 14 years ago I knew this day would come, just not this fast. She's such an amazing young lady, and a big help here at home. I am proud of how caring, smart and wonderful she is, I'd like to think I helped her with that! I feel like yesterday we were taking kindergarten pictures with her hair in pig tails. Now she's asking me which lipstick to wear to her dance tomorrow! So when I wake up extra early to do her hair and help with her make up, I will fight the mushy tears and enjoy the butterflies in her stomach with her.
Logan is also having his own moment this week, tonight actually. He's preparing for a celebration and performance later to mark the last year of elementary school. I need to get his hair cut and pick some clothes. He actually asked for help! Logan only likes to wear athletic style clothes, which makes sense because he's always been on the active side...hyper, active side! This is the child that will always challenge my patience with doing things his way, on his own time. I really need him to work on time management! I also look forward to watching him grow into a young man that learns how to making Logan's way work for him. He's full of random facts and energy, and tonight I get to see a side of him that he doesn't always show. I am pretty happy to see him shine on stage, I think he will be proud of himself too!
The fact that Myles is already 3 is crazy to me. I remember planning life to include this new baby. Kevin and I were so excited, the kids couldn't wait to meet this little man. Myles just fit right in, it felt like he was always meant to be in our family. He really brought our blended family together in a whole new way. This boy is full of energy, his own opinions and so much love. He's a little bit of all of us in one little blonde haired, blue eyed, curious toddler. I love watching him grow and learn. With Myles I started my stay at home journey and I've enjoyed every minute. Even those moments that make you wish it was bedtime when it's barely lunch! I can't wait to see who he is as he gets older, I just wish it wasn't happening over night!
Last but not least, we have Ava. She brings me so much peace in my life, and in this house. She just turned 7 months old and is having some big moments too! Her first tooth popped up, she's on the move in her own way and almost ready to crawl. Ava loves to try new foods that I make her and her lovable personality is already showing. She's a mama's girl too, so I can't complain about the cuddles I get! I never thought I'd be talking about baby #5 after swearing I was done after Logan (kid #3). Here I am though, another sweet baby. Ava is even named after me, Nicole is her middle name. It was Kevin's request, he thought it was important that she be named after the most important woman in her life- his words exactly. My Dad got a bit choked up when I told him her name and the reason for it, he loved how much I am loved. She is actually pretty much a mini-me, so it worked nicely!
I really wanted to share these big moments with you. I know other parents are experiencing some pretty exciting times and wondering why it goes by so fast. Take a moment to look around, I know I will do a lot of that this week. I am sad about my babies growing up so soon, but I'm pretty excited about the people they are becoming. I get to be a part of these moments with my husband and prepare for the day when I get to experience my kids wondering the same thing. Where does the time go?
Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see the pictures of these, and more big moments!
I'm a stay at home mom in Michigan, with 5 kids my life is filled with love, laughter, chaos and plenty of coffee! My coffee starts out hot, did I mention the 5 kids? My list is ambitious- clean, baby activities, cook, walk the dogs. During nap time I try to find me time, to work on my Jamberry business, put on make up, put on real pants and reheat my coffee. This blog is a way to keep in touch with the world and find the humor in the chaos of it all. I hope I can inspire you to do the same!
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